Boys & Girls Club Billiard Education Seminar

Kennesaw, GA, Sept. 9, 2014, The Boys & Girls Clubs of America came out to improve their billiard skills with a day of training at Ozone Billiards’ Academy. Ozone Billiards held a private billiard seminar for the Boys & Girls Club of America. The goal of the class was to reintroduce the game of billiards by teaching new games and skill techniques that are educational for members of the 27 local Boys & Girls Clubs of Atlanta. The event took place in Kennesaw, GA on Monday Sept. 8th at the Ozone Billiards retail store.
The training course was a successful collaboration between Ozone Billiards and the Boys & Girls Club of America. Ozone Billiards very own certified billiard instructor, J.P. Roberts, covered topics including stance, grip, stroke mechanics, pre-shot routine, and aiming. Once the basics were covered J.P. taught games like scotch doubles 8-ball, a game that promotes team work, mental concentration, and strategy. Other games that were taught were 1-ball, 3-ball, and 9-ball. The courses that were instructed, displayed a range of techniques that can be applied to any skill level beginner or advanced.
Ozone Billiards would like to thank all of the BGCA Director’s who came out and took part in this educational event. Ozone Billiards would especially like to thank the Director of Corporate Development, Veronica Squires and Director of Healthy Lifestyles, Dr. Ajamu Banjoko. The Seminar was such a huge success due to the wonderful help and planning from these two individuals. The nonprofit organization that they represent is dedicated to improving young lives in the community with the support from corporate, private, and individual funding. Ozone Billiards has been a long time supporter of the Boys & Girls Club of America who will continue to give back to the community any way that it can.